Keyword research is a searchengine optimization (SEO) technique used by professionals to search and research the search terms that users enter into search engineswhen searching for products, services, or general information. Keywords refer to searches made by users on search engines.
Search engine optimization experts first research keywords and then target web pages to those keywords to improve search engine rankings. Once you find a niche keyword, expand it to find related keywords. Like the Google AdWords Keyword Planner, secondary keyword which provides thesaurus and alternative keyword suggestions, keyword suggestion tools usually assist the process.Google's first-party data supports this survey through Google's autocomplete, related searches, or "PeopleAlsoAsk." The goal of keyword research is to generate a large number of terms that are relevant but not obvious to a particular input keyword with highaccuracy and reproducibility. [2] The keyword search process involves brainstorming and the use ofkeyword search tools.
For best SEO results, it's important to optimize the backlinks for the keywords that are most relevant to your websitecontent. Although there are few conflicts, it's a good idea to look for related keywords that are searched a lot. This makes it easier for search engines to achieve higher rankings and usually increases web traffic. The disadvantage of this method is that the website is optimized for alternativekeywords rather than the main keyword.The main keywords are highly competitive and can be very difficult to rank.

There are three basic concepts to keep inmind when conducting a keyword search. Good keywords are closely related to the topic of the website. Most search engines use aninternal quality system to check website relevance for potential keywords. Unrelated keywords are unlikely to beranked high on your website. Good, competitive keywords are less likely to be ranked high. Keywords without monthly searches are considered of little value to SEO because theygenerate little or no traffic. Abuse of keywords on web pages should be avoided. Keywords are divided into two main groups based on search volume.
The ShortTail keywordis the most searched keyword with a conversion rate of between 1520%. They do not contain any specificdetails and have fewer words (12 words). Search traffic will behigher, but conversion rates will be lower. Example: "Buy shoes" is a short tail keyword. LongTailKeywords: LongTail Keywords conversion rate is between 7080%. They contain more specific details and have longer word counts (25 words). They get less search traffic but have a higher conversion rate. For example: "Buy breathable running shoes" is a longtail keyword. Read more...